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Why Play Racquetball?!

Don’t believe everything you read!  Racquetball is a great sport!  It’s true that it has been in a decline in our area but, that doesn’t detract from the fact that it’s still one of the best individual sports that you can play for the rest of your life!

I’m not going to bad mouth other sports to support my views on Racquetball like so many other sports enthusiast do.  Instead I am going to point out the positives and let you make up your own mind about the sport.

In preparing for this article I have been doing a lot of internet browsing and magazine reading about the benefits of racquetball and have come up with a couple of my own observations from playing for more than two decades. 

Lets take a look at the physical benefits

· Cardiovascular: 30 minutes of racquetball burns approximately the same amount of calories as running three 10 minute miles.

· Muscle Groups Used: It forces you to use your entire body.  Legs, Mid-section, Back, Shoulders and Arms.

To reach and maintain optimum fitness, the key element of any workout is intensity. The high level of energy expended during a game of racquetball makes it one of the most thorough cardiovascular workouts available, resulting in increased stamina, a lowered body fat level, improved muscle tone and better concentration. Both the anaerobic and aerobic systems are utilized in racquetball.

What is so great about the above benefits is that playing racquetball is fun, social and easy to learn!Racquetball is one of the few sports where beginners can have longer rallies than advanced players. 

Racquetball is also a sport that can be used as a cross training exercise for other sports.  Depending on the players and styles racquetball’s ball speed is the fastest of all the sports.  The professionals can hit the ball close to 200mph.  Imagine how a 90mph fast ball from 90 feet looks compared to a 140 mph racquetball coming at you from 30 feet! 

Racquetball is also a sport that can be played well into your golden years.  We have players in their 60’s and 70’s.  Their games are not the same, but they are still enjoying the sport.  You also don’t need a team of players to participate or compete!


Beginners Wanted!  Right now Holiday Park Fitness is putting together FREE Beginner Clinics!  They have racquets and balls so it doesn't cost the player anything to try the game.

Remember Racquetball is:

  • A great workout!

  • Easy to learn and a lot of fun! 

  • Easy to modify for any age or fitness level!

  • FREE Clinics!



Holiday Park is also finishing up with their Fall leagues and will being open enrollment for their winter leagues in December.